So it's been a bit since our last blog. We've had a lot going on these days! School has started and both of us have some adjustments this year. Melissa is homeschooling two now with a wee baby at home and Christa has started homeschooling one with a 17 month at home and a new pregnancy (with lots of icky nausea). Because of our new adjustments and our new developments for a fall/winter line we've put our Etsy shop on vacation to be reopened sometime next month. My nausea is keeping my production down a bit, but I'm still plugging away bit by bit and Melissa has been a busy bee making all kind of fun hats and such. So fun!

Yes, I have a headband dilemma. I've been making them the same way and am quite happy with the finished product except for the closure. I like the idea of it, but am not confident with how it looks. Here's the thing. I like that it's a tie closure. This enables people with all sized heads flexibility. The problem is the ties might be too thick? Or maybe it's that they're too long? Also, I'm a short-haired headband wearer and the tie looks kind of Ramboish to me. I'm not actually sure if it looks this way on me, but when I've tried them on babies, for example the way the ties stick out just takes away from the general cuteness of the headband on an adorable baby. This then makes me question how the tie looks with longer hair. Here's Em modeling for her mommy. What do you think? I feel okay about it.

My mom asked me to make headbands for a family of girls she babysits. The two older girls have longer hair so the tie should be okay, but the younger sister is almost one and does not have as much hair as her sisters. So...I've thrown around lots of ideas. Many of them repeats from them I first started the headband making process - buttons, some kind of looping, sewing in some elastic...any other ideas? Please share! All of these ideas, except the looping idea will require extra steps and extra supplies which means more time and essentially a higher priced item. I don't like that. Plus they limit the sizing more, which I also don't like. I also wanted to try thinner ties. My first attempt failed. I have any idea for a second try, but may or may not get a chance to try it before I need to get my mom her birthday gifts. My short term solution is so make the ties shorter. We'll see...

Orange Cat! So...we are taking some of our hats over to the photography studio next Tuesday afternoon! We were going to go yesterday, but my nausea got the better of me and Melissa ended up having dentist appointments for her kids. I called Dana and rescheduled so we are good to go! I'm so excited to finally, after much talk, get our hats in their place. We may end up having other products there, but for now we'll start with hats. Their Open House has been postponed until sometime in September or early October. We're so happy that they've been so busy!