I gathered all my unfinished projects: a quilt that needs new backing, one of Ross's shirts that has a whole, a pair of my pants that needs mending, a Zoop Zoop hat that still needs eyes and bags and bags ready to be transformed into plarn. I hunted the house and found a decorative storage box that could become "the to do box" and set it on my hearth along with the famous pickle jar full of yarn balls.
Next on the list: Gather all the embroidery floss that has been scattered to the wind and put it all in an earring supply box. I found my thread box that my Mom put together when I went off to college, pulled out the zippers, bobbins, thread and fasteners, added the floss, ear wires, and earring cards and viola! I'm ready to make any earring any where I go!

And at last, where will I pull all this cotton yarn that becomes tea pots, tic tac toe sets and Zoop Zoop hats?
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